Evensong IV (22 December 2023)


Introduction The 2023 vocabulary lives and leafs out in the form of new pages from the notes section of my planner.

Purpose I started the vocabulary list with a word of the year then added to it as I researched other projects or was sparked by experiences. On my intellectual map of 2023, these words were destinations. I wanted to write to, through, around, under, over, behind, these words. Dissect them, make a cross-section, step over the trimmed pieces, rearrange what’s left, appropriate and reappropriate. Make new shapes of my thoughts with them. Make new thoughts with the shapes of them.

Method 1. Enter the word list here. 2. Review my work from the year. The words I haven’t written to, through, around, under, over, behind just yet; the words I’ve not yet dissected, studied cross-sections of, stepped over pieces of, rearranged, appropriated and reappropriated; made new shapes of my thoughts with; made new thoughts with the shapes of, will be carried forward to the 2024 word list.

2023, the Year of Grace, Vocabulary

  1. Grace
  2. Charisma
  3. Pentecost
  4. Solitary Bees
  5. Spirit Bundle
  6. Concatenation
  7. Soil Horizons
  8. Podzol
  9. Gray-Brown Podzolic Soil
  10. Heartwood
  11. Timberline
  12. Paper Birch
  13. Ring Scale Fungus
  14. Fugitive Dust
  15. Vespiary
  16. Welkin
  17. Ground Truthing
  18. Desire Lines
  19. Trust

Result Some words were written to resolution, my questions with them answered through my own writing or the collective (such as Charisma which became Rizz after I started writing into it, a synchronicity that made me smile): Desire Lines. Paper Birch. Heartwood. Timberline. The language of dirt will be retired: Podzol, Soil Horizons, Gray Brown Podzolic Soil.

Conclusion Some words require more time. Some words want to be read, softened in my mouth, rolled around beneath my fingers until they split open and let down their roots, shoots, leaf out to new work. Stem something stronger in 2024. I’ll carry them forward to next year’s list: Solitary Bees, Spirit Bundle, Ring Scale Fungus, Fugitive Dust, Welkin, Concatenation, Ground Truthing, Vespiary.

Some words are the container for this whole experiment of writing and living: Trust. Grace.


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